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Community Engagement

As part of our mission and who we are, the Abundance Alliance takes pride in helping non-profit organizations in our community. As every organization is different, we cater our assistance to fit their needs. Some of these areas are, but not limited to, fundraising tactics & donor engagement, board governance, group communication facilitation, charitable & planned giving, and more. We are honored to assist and invest in those that make the world a better place.

With that being said, we want to highlight those we work with/have worked with to show our continued support for them. Read below to learn about them!

Lawrence Farmer’s Market

Website: https://www.lawrencefarmersmarket.org/

Did you know the Lawrence Farmer's Market (LFM) has been operating since 1976 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity? If you did not know, you are not alone. Recently, the Abundance Alliance has started to work with the Lawrence Farmer's Market. We are very excited to assist them with their goal to expand their mission and servitude for the Lawrence Community. Topics and initiatives include fundraising, goal cultivation, board & organizational governance, and considerations for a more permanent location. 

If you love LFM, go to their website and see what they are up to. Also, please consider a donation to help them secure their future vision. We see it as an investment.