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Community Support

Professional Development

The Abundance Alliance conducts continuing education (CEs) for accountants, attorneys and financial advisors. Our CEs teach various advanced (and in some cases simple, yet often overlooked) charitable giving tools and concepts. We specifically highlight certain capital transfer ideas and tools, i.e. Charitable Trusts & Donor Advised Funds, that can help you keep more, spend more, pass on more and endow your causes when money/capital is in motion. We also keep abreast of tax law changes, as they affect this area of planning. 

As a follow up to these CE opportunities, we also offer workshops on HOW to implement various charitable giving concepts. Our goal is to develop strategic partners that want to implement and incorporate these ideas & strategies into their practices. We also share additional outside resources that will assist in this effort.

Our workshops and CEs can be customizable for various audiences. If there are specific topics you would like to learn more about, we will direct you to an existing resource or possibly develop a specific CE or workshop for you. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you to help facilitate and create an impact within your communities. 

Group Facilitation

Working together isn’t easy. One of the key organizational lessons is that individuals are far more likely to effectively work together if they have meaningful participation in figuring out where they are going.  The most effective organizations learn how to harness and focus all the smarts and goodwill within its stakeholders to move everyone forward. One way to think of an organization is to view yourselves as together on a bus. The challenge is to get the right people on the bus and sitting in the right seats. The passengers then figure out where they are going and how best to get there. The passengers survey the landscape, talk, anticipate problems and opportunities, problem solve, make decisions, delegate assignments, carry out responsibilities, monitor progress, plan departures and welcome new co-passengers.

Unfortunately, even the best travel plans encounter obstacles. At times the bus gets lost or stuck. During these times an outside facilitator, acting like a travel guide, can help the organization assess the situation, define the problem, gather the necessary information,  brainstorm options, evaluate options, design strategic paths and monitor outcomes.  A facilitator enables an organization to collaborate, achieve new synergy and work together more effectively. The facilitator remains neutral on the content deliberated by the group and proactively leads the group through processes to help the group navigate new pathways. Facilitated decision making creates room for everyone to think, share their ideas, allow opposing viewpoints to co-exist, encourages individuals to listen so they can represent opposing viewpoints, and helps everyone understand the reasoning behind the chosen path forward.

Coaching & Communication

When it comes to communication and coaching, there are multiple factors that come into play. The Abundance Alliance can help you examine the internal and external factors that affect communication, so you can begin to understand how to be more effective in your communication styles. We can offer general assistance with understanding communication, as well as offer coaching to really help coach you through it.

All of us, especially in times of stress, will unintentionally subjectify our thoughts, feelings, choices and actions. We believe that to better serves our clients, begins with better managing our own personalities…a moral commitment that translates into more honorably navigating our client’s deepest core wants and needs. In short, the increased objectivity of all parties brings greater trust into more intimate relationships where more responsible financial/life decisions are achieved. It is easy to talk about building relationships but very few business transactions reach the level of authenticity desired and required to optimize such crucial outcomes.